Administrative Litigation

We assist and represent natural and / or legal customers in terms of their relationship with administrative bodies and public institutions in issues related to the issuance of administrative acts or control activities.

As a result, the main activities carried out in this area are:

  • Assessment of administrative acts and advice on the opportunity to challenge certain administrative acts;
  • Representation and assistance in the implementation of administrative procedures for administrative and tax appeal (prior complaint and appeal);
  • Representation and assistance in contentious proceedings before the competent courts of administrative litigation;
  • Representation and assistance in invoking and resolving the exceptions of illegality of the administrative acts and in the proceedings regarding the suspension of the execution of the administrative acts;
  • Representation, assistance and counseling of natural and legal persons before public authorities;
  • Representation, assistance and counseling in the procedures for the assignment of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and service concession contracts;
  • Contesting the tenders and other procedures for the award of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and service concession contracts;
  • Representation and counseling to obtain operating permits or building permits, as well as appealing them;
Asigurari si daune
Dan Antohe Avocat

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